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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Development Updates Power post


I will include ASP.NET MVC3 stuff and then I will also add some misc stuff which I think you should be aware of along-with the news of MVC3.

MVC3 Code Samples From MSDN
 MVC 3 with Razor
 MVC 3 Filters
 MVC 3 Remote Client Validation
Getting Started with MVC C# 3
Getting Started with MVC 3 VB

Some important stuff from Scott Gu's Blog
ASP.NET MVC 3: Layouts and Sections with Razor 

IIS/ASP.NET Application Hosting and Management
Auto-Start ASp.NET Applications

Common performance issues on ASP.NET web sites

Microsoft Web Farm Framework
Introducing the Microsoft Web Farm Framework

Microsoft Web Farm Framework 2.0

IIS.net Official Complete Guide to Web Farm Framework 2.0

Optional Parameters and Named Arguments in C# 4 (and a cool scenario w/ ASP.NET MVC 2)

Adding packages to nuget.org

CSS Agent(automatic vendor prefixes,constants,Minification)

Box Selection and Multi-Line Editing with VS 2010

VS 2010 Productivity Power Tools Update (with some cool new features)

Fun Visual Studio 2010 Wallpapers

Download and Share Visual Studio Color Schemes

Visual Studio 2010 Keyboard Shortcuts

Javascript Code Snippets in Visual Studio

Searching and Navigating Code in VS 2010 (VS 2010 and .NET 4.0 Series)

Add Reference Dialog Improvements (VS 2010 and .NET 4.0 Series)

VS 2010 SP1 (Beta) and IIS Express

HTML5 & CSS3 in Visual Studio 2010 SP1

Database Deployment with the VS 2010 Package/Publish Database Tool

ASP.NET MVC 2: Strongly Typed Html Helpers

ASP.NET MVC 2: Model Validation

MSDN Official Guide ASP.NET MVC3

Introducing ASP.NET MVC 3 (Preview 1)

Announcing NuPack, ASP.NET MVC 3 Beta, and WebMatrix Beta 2

Announcing the ASP.NET MVC 3 Release Candidate

Announcing ASP.NET MVC 3 (Release Candidate 2)

ASP.NET MVC 3: New @model keyword in Razor

ASP.NET MVC 3: Server-Side Comments with Razor

Running an ASP.NET MVC 3 app on a web server that doesn’t have ASP.NET MVC 3 installed

Partial Page Output Caching in ASP.NET MVC 3 - OutputCache Attribute

Dependency Injection with ASP MVC 3–Distilled and Simplified

Dependency Injection in MVC 3–with Views

ASP.NET Razor Converter(ASPX TO Razor templates)

How To: Add Mobile Pages to Your ASP.NET Web Forms / MVC Application

ViewBag in ASP.NET MVC 3

ASP.NET MVC 3–What’s in it for you?

Configurable Global Action Filters for ASP.NET MVC

A Comparison of Three jQuery Modal Dialogs for ASP.NET MVC

Microsoft's  stephen walther's Proposal of Jquery templates on the jquery forum

jQuery Templates and Data Linking (and Microsoft contributing to jQuery)

T4 Templates
T4 Templates and the Entity Framework

Saturday, January 22, 2011

WikiLeaks cables: Iran has cleared major hurdle to nuclear weapons


Tehran has 'technical ability' to make highly enriched uranium, say experts, as efforts turn to disrupting supply of other materials

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's president, inspects gas centrifuges used to enrich uranium at Natanz
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, inspects gas centrifuges used to enrich uranium at the Natanz nuclear plant. Photograph: IRAN'S PRESIDENCY OFFICE HANDOUT/EPA

US officials believe Iran now has the "technical ability" to make highly enriched uranium, an essential step towards building a nuclear bomb, according to a leaked US diplomatic cable.
At a meeting of international nuclear experts in Vienna, a US representative said that "Iran had now demonstrated centrifuge operations such that it had the technical ability to produce highly enriched uranium (HEU) if it so chose". The meeting in April 2009 was hosted by Britain's ambassador to Austria, Simon Smith.
The revelation comes as nuclear talks resume between Iranian officials and representatives of six world powers in Istanbul tomorrow. Expectations of compromise are low.
Not all western governments share the US conclusion, but if true it suggests international sanctions have failed to deny Iran the know-how required to make a nuclear bomb. The production of HEU is generally agreed to be the most serious obstacle any aspiring nuclear state must overcome.
Diplomatic efforts to persuade Iran to curb its programme have also failed to produce results. In the days running up to the two-day meeting in Istanbul, Iranian officials have repeated they will not bow to UN security council demands to suspend uranium enrichment. Iran insists its programme is entirely peaceful.
Western strategy is increasingly focused on delaying Iranian progress, buying time in the hope that economic pressure will eventually lead to a change of mind in Tehran. The campaign has had some recent success in the form of covert sabotage – the Stuxnet computer worm, reportedly a US-Israeli project, slowed down Iran's uranium enrichment last year. Other efforts have involved finding bottlenecks in the Iranian programme and trying to tighten them.
Leaked US cables describe the outline of this containment policy. They reveal:
• Russia has vowed never to allow Iran to make its own fuel for a Russian-built nuclear power station at Bushehr.
• British officials have predicted Iran will amass 20 tonnes of low enriched uranium by 2014 – enough, if further enriched, to make 19 warheads.
• In 2008, Washington launched a worldwide campaign to cut off Iran's supplies of a high-strength steel, known as maraging steel, and carbon fibre. Access to these materials has been identified as a bottleneck in its enrichment programme.
Iran has always maintained its programme is intended for the generation of electricity, but its one nuclear power station, at Bushehr on the Gulf coast, is licensed to use only Russian-made fuel rods for its first 10 fuel loads, enough for just over 10 years.
At the April 2009 meeting in Vienna, Russian officials assured their colleagues that even after that period "Russia expects to supply fuel for the lifetime of Bushehr and it would not agree to provide Iran the necessary technology/licence to make its own fuel for the Bushehr reactor".
The experts at the Vienna meeting – from Britain, the US, Russia, France, China and Germany – noted that Iran had almost exhausted the original 531-tonne stock of the yellowcake it bought from South Africa in the 1980s.
According to the 2009 US embassy cable: "The French explained that Iran's current uranium stockpile was dwindling, with less than 100 tonnes of uranium remaining."
British experts argued however that the focus on uranium ore was a red herring as Iran had already converted enough of it into uranium hexafluoride (UF6) gas – the form in which uranium can be enriched in centrifuges – to keep the enrichment plant in Natanz running "for several years".
The 2009 Vienna meeting agreed Iran would need 1.5 tonnes of low-enriched UF6 to make an initial bomb, then another tonne for each subsequent device. The UK calculated that by 2014, Iran would have amassed 20 tonnes – enough for 19 warheads.
Britain officials now say that estimate might have to be lowered. Last year proved disastrous for Natanz – it had continual centrifuge breakdowns and suffered a complete shutdown for several days in November.
That was in part due to the Stuxnet computer worm but western officials say other sabotage operations have taken a toll, as has the inherent unreliability of the rudimentary and outdated IR-1 centrifuge design used by Iran.
The IR-1 is based on a design bought from Pakistan. It is built of a specialised aluminium and maraging steel, a rare commodity that has proved one of the most effective bottlenecks on the whole programme.
Olli Heinonen, formerly the IAEA's head inspector and now a senior fellow at Harvard University, said he believed Iran had enough material to make 12,000 centrifuges based on what is known about its overseas purchases. The estimate is shared by some European officials.
If correct, Iran has almost run out of centrifuge parts. It has made 11,000, of which 2,000 are believed to be broken and another 5,000 have been taken out of service. That leaves only 4,000 IR-1s enriching uranium at Natanz.
Efforts have now shifted to stopping Iran building new-generation centrifuges which use lighter carbon fibre rotors and are thought to be at least five times more efficient.
"This is really important for the future of the programme. IR-1s are relatively fragile and inefficient," Heinonen said.
Washington raised the alarm in 2008 and launched a worldwide campaign aimed at cutting off carbon fibre shipments to Iran. Cables were sent to US diplomats in European capitals and Beijing with lists of producers of carbon fibre and related equipment who were to be alerted to any suspicious orders.
A few months later, in the last days of the Bush administration, the state department was scrambling to head off a shipment to Iran of 25 tonnes of maraging steel. It is not clear whether it succeeded.
Ultimately, western officials admit Iran will find a way around any effort to stop the programme. At best, they say, it can only be delayed – its future will ultimately be decided by the leadership in Tehran.

Julian Borger, diplomatic edito, guardian.co.uk,

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

PayPal In Pakistan - An Open Letter To The CEO Of Ebay



An Open Letter to John Donahoe, CEO of eBay.

January 11, 2009
John Donahoe

President and CEO

eBay Inc.

2145 Hamilton Avenue

San Jose, CA 95125


Subject: PayPal for Pakistan
Dear Mr. Donahoe,
I understand you are someone who is immensely busy and have thousands of other important issues to deal with, but I thought I’d try my luck with you. I’ve been writing to PayPal / eBay since 2002 regarding issuance of PayPal accounts for Pakistan, in 2005 I started including eBay in my correspondences to include eBay accounts for Pakistan.
I have never received a reply back. Twice in the past, I received a reply back (filed via customer services) that my ‘complaint’ has been lodged and PayPal will look into it. Other than that, have not gotten a satisfactory reply.
The issue – simple. Why is eBay / PayPal not being offered for Pakistan?
I just finished reading an article on your hand-on approach in TIME Magazine (Issue 12 January 2009 – Asian Edition, Page 35, written by Kristina Dell), it simply compelled me to get on the computer and write another letter to eBay / PayPal. The article gave me hope (again!)
Pakistan – purely from your business perspective may not be that big of an economy, but it surely has an economy that is larger and more active than Bhutan, Chad, Honduras, Somalia, Maldives, Rwanda, Uganda, Yemen —combined!
If these countries can have the privilege of obtaining a PayPal account, why not Pakistan?
As Pakistanis cannot legally have a PayPal account, 1000s of users here circumvent the system and obtain PayPal IDs from their friends and relatives abroad to use and conduct commerce. This should be of no surprise to you.
The same can be said about eBay.
Like I cited, we may not be that big on your radar, perhaps we’re not even equated to a blip, but a country of 170 Million, to be blatantly ignored (you may agree or disagree on my choice of words, if the above mentioned countries can have PayPal, I’d like to know what piece of legislation, law, banking infrastructure, etc. prevents eBay/PayPal from including Pakistan under your countries-in-which-you-work umbrella).
Pakistan’s predominant trading Partner happens to be the US. Within respect to both imports and exports (discounting oil).
The first time I experienced eBay and PayPal in the summer of 2001 whilst briefly working in the US – I was mesmerized to say the least. Till date, I wish we had the privilege of conducting business on a website so many take for granted.
This is not meant to be a protest letter by any means. In fact it is one of a very humble request. A request whose time has come, and was long overdue. I have in the past cited my willingness to help, providing information or getting eBay / PayPal connected to Banks, regulators, whomsoever you would like to meet. I am, in no way proposing or advocating a ‘role’ for myself – my intention is just to help.
Is it too much to think that perhaps this one letter will get the ball rolling. Or if the ball is already rolling, yield the desired result. Will this letter be tacked on your things-to-do board and actually get done with? Is this the right time to plead the case for my country?
I’ll end my letter with a quote from Dale Carnegie (sorry, couldn’t find a befitting Irish quote) “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”
I just want to be able to have an eBay and a PayPal account from Pakistan. In the event you want to reach me, the easiest way is via email, my personal email address is babushka99@gmail.com and official email address is faisal@nacspl.com

Asif Ashraf via Faisal Khan


CC: Mr. Scott Thompson, President, PayPal.

Source of the Letter Here


Saturday, January 8, 2011

B. Hussain, Obama 'WAS' a Muslim by birth


Reader More...
Article: Once a Muslim Always a Muslim

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address


Studying from an Institute is not the only tool to be successful. Just Love your profession.Listen to him and remember his words for always. you'll be successful.

Monday, January 3, 2011

"My poverty is my pride" (Hadith)


"My poverty is my pride" (Hadith)

“Faqr Fakhri”, means that - the fact that I know that I have nothing, and am who I am, and am doing well only by the Grace, Mercy and decree of Allah, is the only thing that I have to show to the world. And what an appreciated example it has become. 

If, on the other hand, you are motivated toward success by any hidden fear or sense of failure, this is an indication that you are still operating from a comparative point of view, in which you feel yourself to be the inferior, and therefore desirous of the superior. 

Desire comes from a sense of absence, which results from a feeling of disconnectedness, that you cannot simply reach out to have what you want, or that what you want is not within reach. And since that is the way you are choosing to see yourself, you will receive confirmation of that from the world around you, which is there to serve you however you choose to be served. If you choose to be in duality, i.e. a helpless victim, the world will treat you as such. It is only a reflection of how you see yourself in it. But if you choose to affirm Unity, in no time at all the world will be there to help you and to offer you its richness and support. 

Comparison! Comparison! Comparison! Comparison freezes you in a picture. It stops the fluidity of your own process by entangling you in another frozen picture. We are trained to compare by people in authority, whom we admire for their authority and upon whose approval we depend for our own sense of self-approval, which is the definition of conditional love. Comparison and judgement have become the tools of choice for survival. It's fearful and just thinking about it freezes our growth process. 

Learn to recognize the process of oneness (unity) by knowing that it is not frozenness. It is without tension. Then you will feel the beginning of your connection with your prosperity, which is your true Self. 

It's all a matter of how you see yourself. You are a master teacher and prosperity is your natural state, not something to reach for. If you believe you are learning from a master, you will benefit accordingly. If you believe you are unworthy of these teachings, they will not reach you. 

Unity is not something you “bring people to”, or not. It is something you simply affirm. 

So what is your true success? 
What is it we are connecting to and connected with? 
How do we escape duality and affirm Unity? 
What is the secret of confirmation? 
What is the secret of sacrifice? 
What is the secret of commitment? 
How do we put it all together?

Healing is Energy Correction. One’s ability comes from one’s own energy pattern which is a direct result of one’s personal life style. It is the Sufi contention that there is no better lifestyle than that of surrender, acceptance and a deep exploration of all belief systems.

Quoting from here