What's up!

Pyaarey Allah!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Video and article on repository pattern




Tuesday, October 16, 2012

SQL Server Training videos


How to Install SQL Server 2008 R2 Express

Installed SQL Server?...Now What? (Getting Started)

Getting Started with T-SQL Queries using SQL Server Management Studio

SQL Server Data Types: An Overview

Introduction to Database Design - Primary/Foreign Key-Choosing Datatypes-Identity Seed-Quiz

SQL Server Stored Procedures: Returning Data to the Client

Creating Scalar UDFs: Syntax and Basics

SQL 2008 Series: Views

And finally a full series start...
Connecting to SQL Server using SSMS - Part 1(do full series)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Empty MVC3 application is not so empty


How can you say this is NEW EMPTY MVC application when there are 6 Nuget packages are palced already, 20 javascript files are placed, 13 images and 15 CSS files are there. ........

Friday, March 23, 2012

Point domain to own web server Godaddy


Go to domain control panel i.e mysite.com

STEP # 1
Click on set nameservers
opt this radio choice
"I have specific nameservers for my domains."
set name servers
click ok

STEP # 2
Click DNS Manager ........ [Launch link]
Click on Add record
Record type: A Host
Host Name: @
Points to ip address: [web servers static ip]
TTL: 1 Hour
click ok

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My favorite shortcut key combinations


All mapped with ALT key :P

1 - Compile Current Project

2 - Start outlining
3 - Toggle outline on current block
4 - Toggle all blocks

5 - Comment selection
6 - Uncomment selection

7 - Find in files
8 - Repalce in files

9 - Insert Snippet

0 - Attach to process
= - Attach to Current IIS process(VS Commands customized shortcut)

Q - Format selection
W - Full document format

Z - Zen expand (with zen coding VS plugin)
X - Zen Wrap (with zen coding VS plugin)

Space - save all items

A - Close currently selected window
S - Close all but currently selected window

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Concepts versus Experience


Fundamental knowledge * (Experience * 2) = You ::Your basic concepts matter more than the time you spend on work

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

History is too long and I am too short


In this loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong history of universe ; With these Billions of Humans ; WHAT you are where more than many died before you ; What will be when the world have already forgot plenty like you ; What possibly you could think about yourself when everybody says that he is unique and the best. So its wise to start thinking from the Bottom that you were not born to live longer, you will no longer be available in very few years and you are a simple instance of humanity because all specials also died in the same way you will die.

Information Source on Nose Mucus and Constant Phlegm in the Throat


Information Source on Nose Mucus and Constant Phlegm in the Throat

What is Nose Mucus?

Gross isn't it? That yellowish-greenish stuff that
always seems to clog up your nose on a regular basis
is none other than nose mucus.

Mucus in general is made by the cells lining the sinus passages/ Its
function is to trap tiny particles such as dust,
etc., and stop them from filtering into out breathing
systems. That is why it is thick and sticky. (Though
this doesn't explain why it's yellow or
green does it?)

The glands in your nose and throat continually
produce mucus (1-2 quarts per day). It moistens and
cleans the nasal membranes, humidifes air, traps and
clears inhaled foreign matter, and fights infection.
(Geez, those glands sure do a lot more than produce
nose mucus!) Although mucus is normally swallowed
unconsciously, the feeling that you have a "constant
phlegm in throat" issue is caused by the same nose
mucus that causes post nasal drip.

Excess nose mucus can occasionally cause nasal
swelling and bleeding. It can also cause bad breath
as it is high in proteins and is an excellent food
source for anaerobic bacteria. Once this nose mucus
settles on your nasal and throat lining, it can
irritate, causing that constant phlegm in throat
feeling, and can trick you into thinking that you may
be coming down with a cold.


Symptoms of excess nose mucus can be many and varied. In
fact, many people who have bad breath issues do not
even realize that they have this problem. Some of the most
common symptoms are listed below.

1. The need to clear your throat on a regular

This is probably the most common symptom of excess
nose mucus. When the mucus drains from your sinuses it will commonly collect at the top of the throat area.

2. Constantly swallowing or feel that you have
something trapped in the back of your throat.

This is that "constant phlegm in throat" feeling
again. Also if you have the sensation of a lump in
your throat, then once again this is most likely a
collection of mucus.

Treatment of Excess Nose Mucus and the Constant Phlegm in Throat Feeling:

It is essential to flush the excess nose mucus from
the nasal passages and throat area. Mucus left in
this area will stagnate and cause infections which
worsen the problem. I've found an excellent product
here. that greatly assists in the flushing process.

Crusty old nose mucus left in the nasal and sinus
passages also stops the intended proper drainage of the
sinus cavities. Once these areas are cleaned, it is
important to maintain the area.

Where can I find more information about nose mucus
and the constant phlegm in throat feeling?

If you are someone who suffers excess nose mucus on a
regular basis, this article will provide additional information on how you can put a stop to your bad breath, while you are working on your post nasal drip and excess mucus issues.

Meanwhile, this free e-book is a fantastic resource that covers all aspects of bad breath, including it's relationship to the constant phlegm in throat feeling and nose mucus.

Also, take time to check out these links, which lead to other articles on Post Nasal Drip, Sinusitus and Tonsil Stones - issues that are all related to bad breath.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Working hours or hours of work?


Its not the hours you work, its the hours you don't waste